Feb 17, 2025
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Lee College Academic Calendar 2018-2019
Fall Semester - 2018
- Professional Development Week - Aug. 20-24
- Fall Kick Off - Aug. 22
- Classes Begin (credit and CE) - Aug. 27
- Labor Day (College Closed) - Sept. 3
- Day of Record (16-week classes) - Sept. 12
- Spring 2019 Registration begins for Students who have Successfully Completed at least 45 credits at Lee College - Oct. 30
- Spring 2019 Registration begins for Students who have Successfully Completed at least 30 credits at Lee College - Nov. 6
- Spring 2019 Registration (All Students) / Holiday Registration - Nov. 13
- Last Day for Student Drops (16-week classes) - Nov. 16
- Thanksgiving Holidays (college closed) - Nov. 21-25
- Final Exams - Dec. 10-13
- Grades Due / Diploma Date - Dec. 14
- Fall Commencement Ceremonies - Dec. 15
- Holiday College Begins - Dec. 17
(Meeting times: Dec. 17-21, 26-28, and Jan. 2-4)
- Last Day Offices Open - Dec. 21
- Winter Break (College Offices Closed) - Dec. 22-Jan. 6
Spring Semester - 2019
- Offices Open - Jan. 7
- Professional Development Week - Jan. 7-11
- Classes begin Jan. 14
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (college closed) - Jan. 21
- Day of Record (16-week classes)
- Spring Break (college closed) - March 11-17
- Summer 2019 Registration Begins - April 2
- Fall 2019 Registration begins for students who have Successfully Completed at least 45 credits at Lee College - April 16
- Good Friday Holiday (College Closed) - April 19
- Fall 2019 Registration begins for students who have Successfully Completed at least 30 credits at Lee College - April 23
- Fall 2019 Registration begins for all Students - April 30
- Final exams - May 6-9
- Grades Due/Spring Diploma Date - May 10
- Spring Commencement Ceremonies - May 11
Summer Sessions - 2019
- Summer 2019 Registration Begins - April 2
- May Mini Session Begins - May 13-31
- Cosmetology Begins - May 13- August 8
- Memorial Day Holiday (College Closed) - May 27
- Summer 1 Classes Begin - June 3
- Final Exams (Summer I 5-week Classes) - July 3
- Independence Day Holiday (College Closed) - July 4-5
- Grades Due (Summer I 5-week Classes) - July 8
- Summer II Classes Begin - July 8
- Final Exams (10-week and Summer II 5-week) - Aug. 8
- Grades Due (10-week and Summer II 5-week) - Aug. 12
Temporary Closing/Cancellations
Students are automatically signed up for text notifications of Lee College’s closings or cancellations which include weather cancellations or delays or other emergency conditions. Students may opt out of the text notifications by responding to the text. It’s important that we have the correct mobile number. You can update your mobile number through your myLC account or by visiting the Admissions Office in Rundell Hall.
Any class day missed as a result of bad weather or emergency conditions will be rescheduled as appropriate.
Dates and times are subject to change. Please refer to the appropriate class schedule or log on to www.lee.edu for the current information.